Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl since January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Howdy, guys!

Well, this is my second TTT post after the so long hiatus. To be honest, I don't really have idea about this topic because I rarely describe myself to be one of character that I read. But still, I'll try to make a list here.

So, let's check this out!

1. Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

Actually, I don't really look like Luna. I mean, I don't have that unique style, tho. But, I think I can relate with her uniqueness. Sometimes, everyone sees her as a weird person and I feel the same too some extent. I don't really give a damn about my style itself. I can go out with the random mix and match style and I don't care what the others would say about it. Well, that's the point that I think i have in common with Luna. We have our own world.

2. Edita from Fly to The Sky by Nina Ardianti and Moemoe Rizal

Character from Indonesian novel. Yap, Edita is a drama queen. She can be really nosy and annoying. But, she will really care to her friend. Well, just say that I am drama queen too and sometimes, I too much care of someone just like Edita. Sigh.

3. Alranita from Resign by Almira Bastari

No big reason why this characters remind me of myself. Why? Because this character reminds me because of her nickname. Yep, we share the same nickname, which is "Ra". Most of my online friends call me as "Ra" and I just can't help to smile when reading Alranita's nickname.

4. Audy from Sunset Holiday by Nina Ardianti dan Mahir Pradana

Audy is an impulsive person and she is very childish. She decided to do Eurotrip alone. At first, it's very hard for her to convince her family because she is the youngest one and once again, she is really childish. But after many discussion here and there, her family let Audy go. 

Okay, maybe I ain't doing Eurotrip like Audy but I can relate with what Audy feel. I am the youngest one in my family and it's really hard for them to let me live by myself since college. Yep, I have to convince them even though I am a childish, I still can be an independent person after all.

5. Audy from The Chronicles of Audy by Orizuka

Well, me and this Audy actually have the same major in college, which is International Relations. I can enjoy Audy's story because of her background. At least, I am very happy to read her analysis about some international event. I just like it.

6. Rahayu from Entrok by Okky Madasari

Hmm, maybe the reason why this character remind me of myself is, once again, the name. How could I didn't relate with Rahayu if in the fact we share the same name? To be honest, I don't really like Rahayu at Entrok. She is just.. hmm.. easily affected by other people. But one thing that I can be sure, she is really stick to what she believe. I can relate with that because I only believe what I believe and no one wouldn't easily make me turn around and broke my believing.

7. Jamie Sullivan from A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Spark

Oh, please, don't look me like that. I am not sick like her! Just be calm. Well, why Jamie can remind me of myself? Because Jamie is a social person. She will be really selfless for others happiness. Maybe I ain't that selfless person, but I want to be like her. I want to help each other without try to ask anything back. 

8. Jenny from Elegi Rindaldo by Bernard Batubara

The hesitation to marry. Well, I know that I am still young, but I could relate with Jenny. She don't want to marry because she hasn't find the exact meaning of marriage. For me, I am thinking the same thing. I know that I want to marry, but there's still some hesitation for me to do it. Is that marriage will solve any problems in my life? To be honest, it's not.

9. Miya from Lara Miya by Erlin Natawiria

I could describe Miya as an energetic person yet vulnerable. She is cheerful yet full of sorrow. I could relate with this character because I am an INFJ. With this unique personality, I have to admit that I could show two different kind of personalities. I could be really cheerful in one moment, then I can be quite and sad. Well, just like Miya actually.

10. Rere from Simple Lie by Nina Ardianti

I could relate because Rere's background is the same with me. Yes, she attend college in Universitas Indonesia. Which is, the same university as me. We have different major but I still can relate with her life as a university student.

Fyuuh. Finally I can finish the top ten list. I have to admit that this topic is really hard. I am really sorry for choosing a lot of Indonesian book - please, nowadays I rarely to read a book. So, I only choose character that popped up in my head.

So, how about you, guys? Which character that remind you of yourself?


Puji P. Rahayu


"Memang menyukai seseorang bisa secepat dan semudah itu? Manusia itu kadang terlalu sering mencari di luar jangkauannya, padahal biasanya apa yang dia cari justru selama ini selalu ada di dekatnya." - Carl.

oleh Windhy Puspitadewi

4 dari 5 bintang

Image: Goodreads
Judul: Incognito
Penulis: Windhy Puspitadewi
Genre: Fantasy, Sciene Fiction, Adventure
Tebal buku: 208 halaman
Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun terbit: 29 Mei 2014 (sampul baru)
ISBN: 9786020305233
Baca via Gramedia Digital

Sisca dan Erik tidak pernah menyangka, perjalanan waktu yang selama ini hanya bisa mereka baca di buku akhirnya mereka alami sendiri!
Semua bermula ketika mereka harus mengambil foto di kawasan Kota Lama Semarang untuk tugas sekolah. Seorang pemuda bernama Carl tiba-tiba muncul di hadapan mereka dan mengaku berasal dari masa lalu.
Sisca dan Erik mendadak terseret petualangan bersama Carl, pergi ke tempat-tempat asing, bertemu tokoh-tokoh sejarah yang selama ini cuma mereka temui dalam buku. Petualangan yang membuat mereka belajar banyak: menghargai waktu, persahabatan, dan diri mereka sendiri.


Penjelajahan waktu tentunya bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah dilakukan. Kalian setuju, bukan?

Yap, setelah kemarin saya menonton Avengers: Endgame - yang isinya kurang lebih bagaimana cara kita bisa "mencuri" waktu, maka saya pun teringat dengan novel teenlit yang satu ini. Entah mengapa, saya ingin membaca kembali kisah dari Erik, Sisca, dan juga Carl.

Suatu ketika, Erik dan Sisca yang sebenarnya tidak akur, tergabung dalam satu kelompok untuk tugas sejarah, yakni tugas observasi peninggalan bersejarah. Meskipun sering berdebat satu sama lain, Erik dan Sisca tetap sebisa mungkin untuk mengerjakan tugas tersebut dengan baik. 

Jadilah kemudian Erik mengajak Sisca ke kawasan Kota Lama Semarang untuk mengambil foto. Nah, ternyata, apa yang mereka temui bukan sekadar tentang observasi peninggalan bersejarah, akan tetapi sosok pemuda yang jelas-jelas bukan orang dari masa yang sama dengan Erik dan Sisca, Yap, Carl, nama pemuda itu, datang dari masa lalu. Atau tepatnya dari tahun 1893 karena Carl menggunakan mesin waktu!

Erik dan Sisca awalnya sempat kebingungan dengan kehadiran Carl, akan tetapi, kemudian mereka malah ikut terjerumus dalam penjelajahan waktu yang dilakukan oleh Carl. Bertemu orang-orang besar pun menjadi salah satu pengalaman yang mereka dapatkan, mulai dengan bertemu Archimedes, Miyamoto Musashi, Tom Sawyer, hingga Charles Darwin.

Penjelajahan waktu tersebut pada akhirnya membawa baik Erik, Sisca, dan Carl menemukan berbagai hal. Mulai dari penjelasan mendasar mengenai berbagai macam ilmu dan tentunya fakta sejarah, hingga peristiwa-peristiwa yang hampir mengancam nyawa mereka. Melalui penjelajahan waktu itu pulalah mereka menemukan arti yang sebenarnya dari persahabatan dan konsep menghargai waktu.

Yang pasti, satu hal yang harus selalu diingat bahwa waktu itu memiliki dimensinya tersendiri. Kemudian, waktu pun juga memiliki efek domino. Sehingga, apa yang berubah dalam satu waktu di masa lalu, maka dapat mempengaruhi masa sekarang, dan juga masa depan.

Incognito. (image: wallpaperaccess / edited by me)
To be honest, dulu ketika awal saya membaca novel ini, saya senang-senang saja membacanya. Bahkan, saya kategorikan sebagai salah satu novel favorit saya karena Incognito berhasil mendobrak tema-tema umum dari novel teenlit. Iya, kebanyakan novel teenlit yang ada ketika itu hanya sekadar membahas romantisme remaja belaka. Sedangkan, novel ini berhasil membuat saya tertarik karena adanya topik penjelajahan waktu yang diangkat.

Bagi saya, mengangkat tema ini bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah. Sang penulis harus mampu menghubungkan serta mencari celah dari berbagai peristiwa supaya adegan-adegan di dalam novel ini menjadi masuk akal. Tentu, hal tersebut membutuhkan riset yang lama dan juga kejelian dalam melihat suatu kronik sejarah. Saya salut dengan usaha Kak Windhy untuk menghadirkan jenis cerita ini dalam Incognito.

Jujur saja, saya merasa bahwa Kak Windhy berhasil mengisi celah yang tepat dari bagian-bagian sejarah yang ia pilih. Sehingga, tidak terkesan dipaksakan. Akan tetapi, mungkin saya sedikit setuju dengan beberapa peresensi yang menyatakan bahwa identitas asli Hans C. Zentgraaf dan juga Fran terlalu obvious. That surprise element couldn't spark that much when I read this book for the second time.

But after all, I still like this novel. Seenggaknya, saya tahu bahwa usaha dari sang penulis untuk menciptakan buku ini tidaklah mudah. Lagipula, bisa dibilang bahwa buku ini termasuk novel fiksi pengetahuan - karena secara tidak langsung saya mempelajari sejarah dari buku ini.

Jadi, empat bintang untuk tokoh Erik yang sengak dan menyebalkan.


Puji P. Rahayu

Avengers: Endgame

"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." - Dr. Strange.

Image: People
Title: Avengers: Endgame
Genre: Fantasy, Science-fiction
Series: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Director: Anthony and Joe Russo
Screenplay: Christoper Marcus and Stephen McFeely
Stars: Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson, Danai Gurira, and others.
Ticket: IDR 45.000.00 at Cinemaxx Depok Town Square

Based on The Avengers by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to undo Thanos' actions and restore order to the universe.


Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the longest super hero series that does exist in Hollywood. Even though those series is very popular and most of my friends are following this series, I ain't part of them. I am not a big fan of super hero movie, to be honest. I don't really interest with this kind of genre.

Then, one day, one of my friend invite me to watch this movie along with our others friend. She invited me to watch Avengers: Endgame - the latest movie from MCU. At first, I feel a little bit hesitate to watch, but since I have a spare time and need some refreshment, I decided to agree and help her to order the tickets. 

Actually, from all off 22 movies, I only - literally watch - two of them, which are Dr. Strange and Black Panther. So, honestly, I don't have any idea how to interpret Avengers: Endgame because I didn't follow the previous movies - that exactly related to this movie, such as Avenger: Infinity War.

When the movie begin, I have to admit that I am clueless. I don't know how the story goes on and who is the important character there. But, seems like Marvel still can captivate me because, as the movie goes on, I started to understand the whole story. Even though I still raised my eyebrow sometimes - because I didn't recognized the character - but after all, I can enjoy the movie.

The story begins with the remaining Avenger - Bruce Banners (Mark Ruffalo), Steven Rogers (Chris Evans), Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Natasha Romanov (Scarlet Johansson), and James Rhodes  (Don Cheadle) - went to where Thanos living in seclusion. They intend to retake the infinity stone to reverse what Thanos did. Unfortunately, Thanos has been destroyed all of the stone to prevent further use. After that, Thor couldn't manage his anger and suddenly beheaded Thanos.

Five years later, some miracle happen. Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) has succeeded escapes from the quantum realm. Then, Lang got an idea to travel back in time and stopping Thanos in the past. Even though there is some reluctance from Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) to build the time machine, but after he talked with his wife, Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), he finally agree to help build the time machine. 

All of the Avengers agree to take the infinity stone in the past and try to undo what Thanos did in the future. Banners, Rogers, Lang, and Stark went to New York City in 2012. They intended to take the Time Stone, Mind Stone, and also the Space Stone. Then, Rocket and Thor travel to Asgard in 2013. They tried to retrieve the Reality stone from Jane Foster. Nebula and Rhodes travel to Morag in 2014. They tried to steal the Power Stone before Peter Quill can. Last, Barton and Romanoff went to Vormir and tried to get to Soul Stone.

Avengers: Endgame. (image: Visual Cocain, edited by me)
Well, just like another movie, their first step was going really smooth. But, until Nebula (Karen Gillan) got some connection with her past self. This connection at the end, make Thanos knows about what the future would be and the temptation from the Avengers to undo his action in the future. In the result, the future Nebula is trapped in the past and the past Nebula disguise as her future self and try to broke the Avenger's plan.

To be honest, I like the way Marvel execute this movie. With the more or less three hours duration, I think this movie is kind of worth it. I could feel the thrilling scene, the funny part - especially about Thor, and also their frustration when everything couldn't goes pretty well. I like the movie as a whole - and make me curious about the previous movie.

But, maybe, about the time travel itself, I still couldn't understand, how can the future and the past Nebula could meet? I think, it's just impossible. Even though there's some explanations that will be another different concept of time, still, I think the past could affecting the present, and then the future. So, most likely it would be possible if the past Nebula can meet the Future Nebula.

Then, although I didn't following the movies from the very start, it still feel very heart-breaking when Tony Stark couldn't make it until the end. He deserves all of the greatness after all. Well, he is someone who will care other first rather than himself. 

So, if anyone ask me, do you now interest to watch the other MCU movies? I would like to say, "Yes, I do!". Maybe it's so damn too late to watch it, but I think it doesn't mater after all.

How about you, guys? Are you the MCU fans? Well, maybe we can discuss about this universe together.


Puji P. Rahayu

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl since January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.


It's been a long time since I do blog walking. Then, I realized that my favorite book meme, the so-called Top Ten Tuesday has been hosted by another blogger. I knew about Top Ten Tuesday when I read one of article that written by my favorite blogger, Mas Ijul from Since then, I started to curious with this book meme and eager to join. But, since all of you know that I got blogging slumps, I rarely write this book meme again. That's why, I've just known that since January 2018, the host of book meme is changed. So, this is my first book meme after spending much time to break from blogging.

So, this week topic is about top ten inspirational & thought-provoking quotes from book. I have to admit that this topic is kinda hard to define. I have a lot of favorite quotes, but, maybe I can share some of it with you.

1. "Sudah merupakan kebiasannya untuk menghukum seseorang dengan mengambil sesuatu yang berharga bagi orang tersebut, sehingga pesan yang ingin disampaikannya mengena." - Kent.

"It is his habit to punish someone with taking the precious thing of them, so, the message that he want to send is indeed received."

Eiffel, Tolong! - Clio Freya.

2. "Tapi bagaimana aku bisa menyembahMu kalau kita memang tidak pernah kenal?" 

"But how I can admire You If I never know You from the very start?"

Entrok - Okky Madasari.

3. "Hiduplah untuk setiap detiknya. Bila dalam detik ini hidup tidak berpihak padamu, percayalah pada detik berikutnya hidup akan menjadi lebih baik."

"Just live for every second. If in this second life is not take a side on you, just believe that in the next second, life will be better."

From Paris to Eternity - Clio Freya.

4. 'Call him Voldemort, Harry. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear the thing itself.' - Dumbledore.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J.K. Rowling.

5. "Aku tak ingin berakhir seperti mereka, saling mencintai. Lantas kehilangan dan kini mereka hanya mengenang dan merenung dari jauh."

"I don't want to be like them. Falling in love each other, then losing each other, and now, they only can remember and think from afar."

Pulang - Leila S. Chudori.

6. I'm tired of feeling things that I should never feel. I'm tired of hoping things that I should never hope. I'm tired of loving the one I should never love. I'm tired of missing the one I should never miss. I'm tired of being tiredly tired to feel tired of something so tiring.

Stories of Rainy Days Volume I - Naela Ali.

7. Dan hati yang hancur terkadang mengobati diri dengan asal-asalan.

"And the broken heart, they heal themselves in a crooked and lopsided way."

Kate Dicamillo dalam Love Theft - Prisca Primasari.

8. Matilah engkau mati
Kau akan lahir berkali-kali

Laut Bercerita - Leila S. Chudori

9. Kalau kamu enggak bisa tertawa berulang-ulang untuk hal yang sama, lalu mengapa kamu terus menangis berulang-ulang untuk masalah yang sama?

"If you can't laugh repeatedly for the same thing, so why you still crying for the same trouble repeatedly?"

Fly to the Sky - Nina Ardianti dan Moemoe Rizal

10. To forget a friend is sad. Not every one has had a friend. And if I forget him, I may become like the grown-ups who no longer interested in anything but figures...

Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Well, that's all from me. Hope we can meet in another post of TTT.

