Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl since January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

To be honest, I got a difficulty to make this TTT. Since I am in Indonesia, I would like to list some of Indonesian book event here. I'll try my best to make it into 10.

In order to make it easier, I will list any book-related event. So, it's not only a book fair, tho. Hope you enjoy my choice.


Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is an annual project of non-profit foundation, the Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati. Apparently, this festival become one of the biggest festival in Southeast Asia. It become the melting pot of artists, authors, thinkers, and performers.

Within five days, there will be a lot of program, start from talk show, live performance, until workshop.

Since it held in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, I always hope can go to this festival someday.

One of the biggest book fair in the world. I always heard about this book fair. I want to know how this book fair going.

Just like London Book Fair, Frankfurt Book Fair is one of book event that I usually heard. As the largest book fair in the word, I would like to know more the ambiance there. 


As the big fan of Agatha Christie's work, it seems so right to visit this festival, right? It should be so much fun can dress up and getting to know more about Christie.

To be honest, I choose this book fair because I want to visit Sweden. As the second largest book fair in Europe, I think it will be fun to be surrounded but a lot of Scandinavian books.

I think this is the first time I heard about Jakarta International Literary Festival. JILF is an annual international literary festival by the Literary Committee of Jakarta Arts Council (JAC).

Usually, I always attend the Cultural Speech that held by JAC every year. To be honest, most of the performer from JAC is incredible. So, I wonder how this literary festival will be like. 


Well, this book event is not a grand event. As far as I know, this weekly book discussion held at POST Bookshop, Jakarta, Indonesia. I always want to attend this book discussion, but I don't have any chance back then because my working hour is clashing.

Then, since COVID-19, this book shop is temporary closed. So, I have to wait until the situation got better to attend this discussion.

Actually, this event is held annually by Goodreads Indonesia Community. But, as there is some internal crisis, the continuation of this event is a little bit confusing.

To be honest, I want to feel the euphoria of this festival. I want to meet a lot of people from book community. Sadly, I didn't have a chance to do it.

9. Book Fair at Appleton Elementary School (Don't Check Out This Book)

One thing that I want to know, what is exactly the green dot book collection all about? Even though it's not really a book fair, it's about an event when the children can find a comfort from book.

10. A Night at the Mr. Lemoncello's Library (Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library)

Since I read this book, I wonder how it feel to spent a whole night at such an amazing library. Solving every clue and puzzle must be really fun. Moreover, it will include a lot of books. 

Finally I can finish this list. So, what book event that you want to visit someday? Let's share our wishes and hoping we could visit all of those events some day.


Besok Kita Belum Tentu Saling Mengingat

kenapa ragu untuk memberiku kecup yang sejadi-jadinya? sebab besok kita belum tentu saling megingat, kembali asing dan tak saling melihat.


Judul: Besok Kita Belum Tentu Saling Mengingat
Penulis: Dopra
Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Ilustrasi: Hidayatul Azmi
Tebal buku: 164 halaman
Tahun terbit: November 2019
Baca via Gramedia Digital

Saat Kamu Tidak Mencintaiku Lagi

saat kamu tidak mencintaiku lagi
daun-daun kehilangan hijaunya
angin kehilangan desirnya
laut lupa pada asinnya
dan puisiku ditinggalkan aksaranya


Rasanya, sudah lama sekali sejak terakhir saya membuat resensi buku puisi. Sejumlah buku puisi yang saya baca hanya saya resensi singkat di Goodreads. Tidak di blog.

Kali ini, saya tertarik untuk membahas buku puisi karya Dodi Prananda atau yang dikenal dengan nama penanya, Dopra. Kalau tidak salah, Kak Vina mengatakan kalau buku ini merupakan semacam antitesis dari Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini.

Serba realistis

Bagi saya, puisi-puisi dalam buku ini memang menonjolkan satu tema, yakni pertanyaan-pertanyaan retoris yang tidak membutuhkan jawaban. Akan tetapi, perlu digarisbawahi bahwa pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut banyak sekali berhubungan dengan kesendirian dan kasih tidak sampai.

Tidak hanya itu, sejumlah puisi Dopra menyinggung bagaimana suatu cerita kasih telah usai dan tidak ada harapan untuk kembali lagi.

Kata-kata yang digunakan Dopra bukanlah kata-kata nan puitis yang begitu tinggi. Ia lebih sering menggunakan analogi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti suasana kafe, keberadaan dari tukang cukur, hingga suasana dari sebuah restoran. Otomatis, seluruh puisi Dopra cenderung realistis dan tidak penuh kata yang berbunga-bunga.

Salah satu hal yang saya sukai dari buku ini adalah ilustrasi yang digunakan. Menurut saya, ilustrasi-ilustrasi yang digambarkan begitu realistis, meskipun di beberapa bagian terlihat creepy. Ilustrasi favorit saya di buku ini adalah ilustrasi dari puisi Selamat Tidur--yang notabene digunakan sebagai gambar sampul buku ini.

Bagi saya, ilustrasi tersebut mengingatkan saya pada gambar-gambar ilustrasi di Pinterest yang sering saya gunakan. Campuran antara sosok manusia bersama dengan tanaman-tanaman liar yang bersatu. Terlihat sekali rasa kesediahan dari sosok tersebut. Sendiri dalam sepi.

Sumber:, edited by me.


Saya selalu menyukai puisi. Akan tetapi, menuliskan resensinya membuat saya sedikit kesulitan. Semoga lain kali saya bisa menuliskan pemikiran saya mengenai buku puisi lain lebih baik lagi.

3 dari 5 bintang.




Title: Itaewon Class
Genre: Drama, Romance
Number of episode: 16 episodes
Director: Kim Sung-Yoon
Script writer: Jin Gwang
Stars: Park Seo-joon, Kim Da-mi, Yoo Jae-myung, Nara, Ahn Bo-Hyun, and more
Available on Netflix

Park Saeroyi's life has been turned upside down after he gets expelled from school for punching a bully and his father is killed in an accident. Following his father's steps, he opens a pub named "DanBam" in Itaewon and, along with his manager and staff, strive towards success and reaching greater heights.


After watching SKY Castle, I interest to watch another K-Drama. Then, my choice fell to Itaewon Class. 

To be honest, I don't have any knowledge about this drama. I've just known that V from BTS composed a song to be this drama's OST.

One thing that made me interest to watch it because what Itano said. The story of Itaewon Class somehow has a similar vibe to Pinocchio. Therefore, I decided to bing-watching this drama.

The Story

The story begin when Pak Sae Ro Yi (Park Seo-joon) attending his new high school. Couldn't stand with Jang Geun Won's (Bo-Hyun Ahn) bullying act, Sae Ro Yin punch Geun Won and made him got into trouble.

Geun Won's father, Jang Dae Hee (Yoo Jae-myung), is the CEO of Jangga Co., the famous restaurant business in Korea. The twist is, Sae Ro Yi's father work there. So, when Sae Ro Yi got a problem at school, his father happened to come immediately with Dae Hee.

Dae Hee automatically demands Sae Ro Yi to apologizes to Geun Won for what he did, but Sae Ro Yi refuses. Because of his refusal, Sae Ro Yi got expelled from school and his father decided to resign from his job.

When everything seems so right, an accident takes place. Sae Ro Yi's father dies in motorcycle accident cause by Geun Won. Burning with anger, Sae Ro Yi came to Geun Won and viciously beats him. Then, Sae Ro Yi got arrested and has to spent time in prison. Since then, Sae Ro Yi decides to destroy Jangga Co., and take a revenge to Dae Hee and Geun Won.

This revenge begin with the effort of Sae Ro Yi to open a restaurant at Itaewon. Jo Yi Seo, who is an influencer, joins with Sae Ro Yi's restaurant to be a manager. Beside that, there's Ma Hyun Yi (Lee Joo-Young) as the cook, Choi Seung Kwon (Ryu Kyung-Soo) as the waiter, Jang Geun Soo (Kim Dong-Hee), who happened to be Geun Won's little brother, as the waiter, and Kim Tony (Chris Lyon), a foreigner who is very fluent in Korean as the waiter.

The dark side of Korean Business

Just as I said before, the premise of Itaewon Class is very similar to Pinocchio. Both of the main characters are taking a revenge to the person who made them suffer. It's have to be underlined that their way to take a revenge is in the neat way. Beating the enemy with their business or their journalism skill.

From Itaewon Class, we could see the dark side of Korean Business. It's about how chaebol family dominate the business in Korea, including the food company like Jangga Co. They will do everything to maintain their position. Even though it seems so scary, but their existence is very real.

I have to admit that the storyline of Itaewon Class is very interesting. When I am watching this drama, I am eager to know how Park Sae Ro Yi dragged down the Jangga Co. A lot of twist happened in this drama. Well, some of them it's very unexpected. So, the thrill to watch this drama is very high--even though not as high as Sky Castle.

The element: race diversity and gender identity

Since this K-drama is a original Netflix drama, it won't be that much surprising to raise the diversity element. From this drama, you can see there's an effort from the production team to show the diversity in Korea, such as Kim Tony who happened to be black people and Ma Hyun Yi who's transgender.

Well, this move of course have to be appreciated because not many movies or series take a bold move like this. For me, those characters are very fascinating and make this drama to be more lively.

The character: my most and less favorite

Source: Google, edited by me.

I don't know why, but I choose to stan Geun Soo for this drama. I know that he is being such an asshole in the middle, but I think he got a realization at the end. I like how Geun Soo's character develop. Even though, I want to slap him when he is using Jangga Co.'s way to win in the television show.

Then, even though Yi Seo is very unique and attractive, sometimes I wanna slap her. She is very selfish in some way. Fortunately, she is very sincere and so damn smart.

So, I could say that both of them is the mixture my most and less favorite.


If you missing a story like Pinocchio, try to watch Itaewon Class is a good choice. Moreover, the story is very neat and most of the characters are very unique.

Park Sae Ro Yi maybe is a character that you won't meet in the real life, but his spirit and ambition is very inspiring. If we say we can do it, it means we can.

8.5 out of 10 for the Dan Bam Pub.



First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines?  If you want to make your own post, feel free to use or edit the banner above, and follow the rules below:

  • Pick a book off your shelf (it could be your current read or on your TBR) and open to the first page
  • Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first
  • Finally… reveal the book!
It's Friday and it's time for First Lines Fridays. Honestly, I don't know what book I should read after I finished The Big Four by Agatha Christie. At first, I want to try to read To All The Boys I've Loved Before, but I felt so much lazy. Therefore, I choose an alternative, which is to read a poetry book.

I am curious to know whether I can make a review about it or not. But, let's just give it a try.

So, here is the first line for today's FLF.

Untuk mereka yang belum tentu diingat

If I could translate it, it would be.. "for those who don't necessarily to be remembered"

Besok Kita Belum Tentu Saling Mengingat by Dopra



Saat Kamu Tidak Mencintaiku Lagi

saat kamu tidak mencintaiku lagi
daun-daun kehilangan hijaunya
angin kehilangan desirnya
laut lupa pada asinnya
dan puisiku ditinggalkan aksaranya

I hope this poetry book is not that much depressing.


Empat Besar

"Aku tidak akan mencoba mengambil keputusan di antara dua penyelesaian yang berlawanan."-- Hercule Poirot.

Sumber: Goodreads,com
Judul: Empat Besar
Judul Inggris: The Big Four
Series: Hercule Poirot Mysteries #5
Penulis: Agatha Christie
Penerjemah: Indri K. Hidayat
Tahun terbit: September 2017, cetakan kesepuluh
Tahun terbit pertama: 27 Januari 1927
Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Baca via Gramedia Digital

Poirot terkejut ketika seorang pria lusuh muncul di ambang pintu rumahnya. Sesaat pria lusuh itu hanya menatap Poirot, lalu terhuyung dan jatuh. Dalam keadaan setengah sadar, ia menggumamkan, “Mr. Hercule Poirot, 14 Farraway Street,” berulang kali.

Misteri semakin rumit ketika si tamu asing tak kunjung bicara banyak dan beberapa kali hanya menuliskan angka 4 di kertas. Poirot harus menggunakan sel-sel kelabunya untuk memecahkan persoalan ini, membahayakan nyawa demi mengungkap misteri di balik angka tersebut.


Melanjutkan keinginan saya untuk membaca seluruh kisah Hercule Poirot, maka saya pun memutuskan untuk membaca Empat Besar. Awalnya, saya ragu kalau saya akan merasa bosan saat membaca novel ini. Akan tetapi, saya cukup terkejut karena saya bisa 'memaksa' diri saya untuk menyelesaikan novel ini.

Misteri empat besar

Hercule Poirot sedang bersiap-siap untuk pegi ke Amerika Selatan saat sahabatnya, Hastings kembali ke Inggris. Awalnya, Poirot berencana langsung bertolak ke Amerika Selatan, akan tetai, datangnya seorang pria lusuh yang sekarat di pintu rumahnya membuat Poirot berubah pikiran 180 derajat.

Pria lusuh tadi dalam keadaan setengah sadar hanya bisa mengucap beberapa patah kata dan juga angka 4 di kertas. Hal ini menggelitik sel kelabu Poirot dan membuat ia yakin bahwa ada sebuah organisasi berbahaya yang bernama Empat Besar.
Sesuai dengan namanya, organisasi empat besar memiliki pimpinan. Nomer 1 adalah Li Chang Yen, seorang pemegang kendali yang berada di Cina. Nomer 2 adalah jutawan Amerika yang kaya raya. Nomer 3 adalah perempuan Perancis yang cerdas. Sedangkan, nomer 4 adalah lelaki berkebangsaan Ingris yang sangat pandai menyamar.

Sepanjang perjalanan karirnya, Poirot tidak pernah menemukan kasus yang begitu rumit seperti empat besar. Maka dari itu, Poirot pun berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk bisa mengungkap kejahatan empat besar. Tentu berbagai kejadian buruk menimpangnya, mulai dari diculiknya Hastings hingga percobaan pembunuhan terhadap dirinya. Yang pasti, empat besar bukan musuh biasa.

Cerita yang bersilangan

Sumber:, edited by me.

Secara sekilas, kisah empat besar ini begitu menarik premisnya. Saya pun pensasaran dengan akhir kisah yang ingin ditunjukkan oleh Agatha Christie. Sayangnya, saya rasa kisah empat besar ini terlalu terbelit-belit. Saya memang tidak keberatan apabila satu kasus kecil bisa berujung pada inti kasus utama, akan tetapi menurut saya kasus-kasus kecil yang diceritakan cukup scattered.

Mungkin kalau saya bandingkan, kisah empat besar ini hampir sama dengan kisah Holmes menghadapi Moriarty. Bedanya, Moriarty tidak akan bertindak secara langsung. Sedangkan, dalam kisah empat besar, ada nomer empat yang langsung turun tangan.

Sebetulnya, cara penyelesaian Poirot di sini juga menarik. Akan tetapi, entah mengapa saya tidak bisa mengikuti seluruh kisah dengan baik. Saya merasa kasus-kasus kecil yang diceritakan sekadar lewat dan hanya menunjukkan kepiawaian dari nomer empat.


Mungkin karena kisah ini masih termasuk kisah awal dari Poirot, Agatha masih cukup mencari-cari kisah yang pas untuk disajikan. Jadi, terlepas dari rasa kurang sreg yang ada, saya rasa kisah ini patut diapresiasi.

At least, we gotta see the reenactment of Holme's death in Poirot's version. Jadi, siapa yang mengikuti kisah siapa sih tentang kematian Poirot ini? Saya belum sempat mencari tahu lebih lanjut.

3 dari 5 bintang untuk empat besar yang lumayan bikin sakit kepala.

Anyway, terjemahan kali ini tidak terlalu menyusahkan. Bahasa Perancis yang tidak diterjemahkan masih mudah dimengerti.


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl since January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

We arrived on Tuesday again. So, today's theme is about books that make me smile (and why). Well, let's see my choice below. Disclaimer, it would be a lot of Indonesian book again.

What's book that make you smile other than a classic children book? At first, I thought I would choose a lot of romance book, but I realized that somehow a children book can make me smile easily. 

Alice's story is interesting and also cute. From the cover itself, you can smile easily, right?

2. Bliss (The Bliss Bakery #1) - Kathryn Littlewood

Stone Sleep Snickerdoodles? Singing Gingersnaps? What a unique name of cookies, right? I fallen in love with the cover first when I saw this book. Then, the premise make me smile because I love magical world. So, it should be obvious why I choose this book. 

3. Cemara's Family #1 - Arswendo Atmowiloto

I interested to read this book because I haven't got any chance to watch the series. From this book, I learn a lot about how to live with gratefulness, kindness, and resilience. Most of the characters are very lovable even though they are struggle to live in poverty. For me, this books make me smile endlessly.

To be honest, all of the books from the series has made me smile a lot. This books follows the story of Audy, an International Relations student who happened to live with 4 brothers from R family. All of them are weird and made Audy couldn't live easily.

I like Audy's interaction with R family. Somehow, it's very funny and hilarious. 

5. Dylan, I Love You! - Stephanie Zen

This book make me smile because of the way the author wrote the story. I like how Stephanie changing the perspective between Dylan and Alice. Then, both of them are very funny. So, this book make me giggles all the time with their story.

From Paris to Eternity is the second book from Fay's Adventure Series. After finishing a task from Andrew McGallaghan, Fay Regina Wiranata came back to Indonesia and being an ordinary student.

Fay believed that her live will going normal, but then, she got surprised and makes her have to go to Paris and meet with Andrew again. So, of course it means that she has to be involved in an espionage activities again.

To be honest, there are some part that make me smile--but bitterly. Why? In this book, my favorite character--Kent--admit to Fay that he loves her, but he knows there's no future for them. It's sweet yet so sad :( I always read those part again and again.

7. Purple Eyes - Prisca Primasari

I never expect that this short novella had left a good feeling for me. I love the interaction between Ivarr and Solveig--it's very sweet. 

Then, the background story is very interesting, because they choose Trondheim, Norway. One thing for sure, love will be there even though in the darkest place.

8. Interlude - Windry Ramadhina

Interlude is my all time favorite book from Gagasmedia Publisher. As a young-adult story, Interlude bring a whole different story. You can feel Hanna's sadness and frustration, but when she is with Kai, she could smile genuinely.

Don't cry, don't cry.
The world is envy
You're too perfect
and she hates it.
9. Restart - Nina Ardianti

Restart is my favorite contemporary romance story. I couldn't stop smiling when I read this book. The drama queen Syiana, meet a cool and sarcastic me, Ferdian Arsjad. Their relationship is very complicated, but sometimes their silly action makes me smile.

A heartwarming poetry book and cute illustrations. When your emotion is unstable, reading this book could help. In my opinion, reading Story for Rainy Days makes me more calm and happy.

I'm tired of feeling things that I should never feel.
I'm tired of hoping things that I should never hope.
I'm tired of loving the one I should never love.
I'm tired of missing the one I should never miss.
I'm tired of being tiredly tired to feel tired of something so tiring.
Finally, I've completed today's TTT. How about you, guys? I hope you can find your smile on your reading list. See ya on the next week.


The Little Prince

Being adult is exhausting.


Title: The Little Prince
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Publisher: Harcourt, Inc.
Date of published: June, 29th 2000 (first published April 6th 1943)
Number of pages: 93 pages

Moral allegory and spiritual autobiography, The Little Prince is the most translated book in the French language. With a timeless charm it tells the story of a little boy who leaves the safety of his own tiny planet to travel the universe, learning the vagaries of adult behaviour through a series of extraordinary encounters. His personal odyssey culminates in a voyage to Earth and further adventures.


Three weeks ago, I wrote a Top Ten Tuesday about Books that have been in my TBR the longest and I still haven't read. One of the book that I mentioned there is The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

To be honest, I've want to read this book from a long time ago. But, me being me. I haven't read the book yet even though I have a copy of this book in my reader apps. 

So, in order to complete my reading goals, I decided to choose this book for my reading list.

The Story

Well, I've heard so many thought about this book. Of course this book is a children book, consider the fact that the main character is so young. Hmm, we don't know exactly how old the little prince is, but many people assumed that the prince is a very young prince.

Like I said before, I remember that I haven't read this book because of Suga's weekly 06.13 Kkul FM Radio. In episode with Jungkook, they choose this story for their read your voice segment. Then, I just curious with this story more.

The Little Prince is a prince that come down to earth to completing his journey. It is believed that he is from asteroid knows as B-612. He explored the entire planet of the universe and landed on the earth. 

During his journey, the Little Prince meet so many people, starting from the king, conceited man, tippler, businessman, and geographer. From those journey, the little prince learned the vagaries of adult behavior.

Learning the meaning of life

Sumber:, edited by me.

I have to admit that this story is full of meaning. The Little Prince encounter with various people reflects how adult behave towards the young. They feel so righteous and know-it-all. They neglect the opinion from the children. Then, somehow the adult forced the children to fit with what the society said--it's meaningless if you want to pursue career on arts. It's better to learn STEM. Those typical stereotypes gave me a lot of headache. 

I never imagined that in this book, I would find the satirical comment about somehow the adult always nagging the young people regarding their success. Yeah, the typical question like, "how old is he? How many brothers has he? How much does he weigh?" It seems like they just want to emphasize the importance of social status regarding wealth. Sigh me all the way through.

If someone said that this book is only a children book, they should read it again. You can get a lot of unexpected learning from the story.

To forget a friend is sad. Not everyone has had a friend.


It's fun to read a meaningful story like this. I should consider to read more story like this.

4.5 out of 5 stars



First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines?  If you want to make your own post, feel free to use or edit the banner above, and follow the rules below:

  • Pick a book off your shelf (it could be your current read or on your TBR) and open to the first page
  • Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first
  • Finally… reveal the book!

Even though it's in the middle of quarantine, seems like the time flies so fast. Here we are again First Line Fridays. For this week, I decided to read a translation book for one of famous detective story. At first, I want to write today's FLF in Bahasa, but for the sake of consistency--which is more hilarious because I will cite the sentence in Bahasa, not English, I decided to write in English.

So, here is the first line for today's FLF.

Ada orang yang selalu bisa menikmati perjalanan menyeberangi Selat Kanal; mereka bisa duduk tenang di kursi geladak, dan begitu tiba, menunggu sampai kapal betul-betul sudah tertambat, baru mengumpulkan barang-barang bawaan tanpa terburu-buru, lalu naik ke darat.

Hmm. Such a long lines for today, I supposed. 

The Big Four by Agatha Christie



Poirot terkejut ketika seorang pria lusuh muncul di ambang pintu rumahnya. Sesaat pria lusuh itu hanya menatap Poirot, lalu terhuyung dan jatuh. Dalam keadaan setengah sadar, ia menggumamkan, “Mr. Hercule Poirot, 14 Farraway Street,” berulang kali.

Misteri semakin rumit ketika si tamu asing tak kunjung bicara banyak dan beberapa kali hanya menuliskan angka 4 di kertas. Poirot harus menggunakan sel-sel kelabunya untuk memecahkan persoalan ini, membahayakan nyawa demi mengungkap misteri di balik angka tersebut.

I read this book in order to complete all of Hercule Poirot's series. I know that this a long time journey. But, I am sure it will very exciting.



Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl since January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Hello! I am back with TTT again. For this week, it's about author I've read the most book by. I think, there will be a lot of Indonesian author for this list. Yep, when I was in middle school, I read a lot of Indonesian book--in fact, if not because of them, I wouldn't falling in love to read. So, here we go.

1. Luna Torashyngu

I think, the first author that I really like is Luna Torashyngu. In my teenage year, I read most of his book. I admit his writing ability because he could make a young-adult, thriller, and action story. He can do fantasy too. All of his story is very detail and I like every series from him--not to mention that actually all of his works is related to each other.

My favorite series from Luna Torashyngu is Mawar Merah (Red Rose). This series is mainly about Red Rose, an international hired killer that very talented and skillful. Even though she is very young, no one can beat Red Rose ability.

2. Lexie Xu

Thriller for teens in Indonesia? You should read Lexie Xu's work. I never imagined that actually Lexie Xu is a thriller writer. Just like when I said before, there are not many thriller writer in Indonesia, moreover thriller for teen. So, I really enjoy her story. Then, Lexie Xu also has a universe. So, every character on her story would be related to another. It's such a fun experience to read it.

My favorite series from Lexie Xu is Johan Series. The series follows the story of Johan, a psychopath who can hurt anyone without mercy.

3. Windhy Puspitadewi

Windhy is my all time favorite teen author. She is very talented to create such a wonderful young adult story. I still remember her book, Let Go that talks about friendship. Nothing about love there, but it's full of friendship.

Then, I couldn't stop to remember about Incognito. This book is incredible because it talks about time travel. I mean, I should praised Windhy for her effort to research about every historical moment that fit with the story.

4. Orizuka

The first time I read Orizuka's book, I literally cry a lot. Yeah, I think it's one of my first to read a story where the character is dead. As part of my grown up journey, I really like Orizuka's simple and touching story.

The last series that I read from her is The Chronicles of Audy. I like this series because me and Audy has the same background, which is an International Relations student. It's very interesting for me.

5. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I really love Sherlock Holmes. As long as I remember, I've read all of Doyle's book that related to Holmes. To be honest, I am very enjoy to read a detective story. 

To be honest, I read Sherlock Holmes because of Detective Conan. Back then, in order to understand Sinichi's background who love Holmes, I decided to read the whole novel and athology about Holmes. Hmm, I should list Aoyama Gosho too here.

6. Lisa Kleypas

To be honest, I don't really read all of Kleypa's book. But, she is one of my favorite historical romance author. Don't ask when I read her book, tho. I just like how she make a series for her work. It's very interesting to me.


7. Dee Lestari

I should admit that I am following Dee Lestari from Supernova. Somehow, she did a very good job to comprehend so many things in philosophical way. Even though Supernova is interesting, I have to admit that not all of them is my favorite.

Beside Supernova, there is Perahu Kertas (Paper Boat) that always makes me smiling. It's a simple story that I never really imagine it can come up from Dee.

8. Christian Simamora

I still remember that I always saved my money every month to buy Christian Simamora's book. I think, I was in college and I really love romance stories. If I am not mistaken, I have almost ten books of him in my book shelf. I enjoyed his salty story back then.

But, recently, I am losing my interest to read any romance stories. I don't know why, but I am more interest to read a genre other than romance.

9. Aoyama Gosho

Aoyama Gosho is the creator of Detective Conan or Case Closed. I think, Conan is my all time favorite manga. I remember that I borrow ten volume of Conan every day from the library. For me, Aoyama Gosho is very talented to create the story. Until now, the black organization still being mystery and no one knows whether Conan could back to be Sinichi Kudo.

I am eager to know the end of the story, tho.

10. Agatha Christie

When we talk about detective story, we couldn't left out Agatha Christie, right? Reading Hercule Poirot makes me more and more curious. To be honest, the reason I read Agatha Christie is because I know it from Conan and to some extent from Holmes. I have a goal to read all of Christie's work in chronological order. Wish me luck, tho.

I don't think that I literally read all of their books. But, I read most of their book and they are still being my favorite author. Well, their book is kind of book that I will automatically buy without looking the review or synopsis.

Okay. That's all for today's TTT. Have a good day, everyone.
